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Figure 1 | BMC Medical Imaging

Figure 1

From: Extended Field Laser Confocal Microscopy (EFLCM): Combining automated Gigapixel image capture with in silicovirtual microscopy

Figure 1

A-G. A-C Flowcharts of QuantCapture4, the program controlling the automated image capture, developed by us in the visual programming environment OpenLab Automator. A: Main program. B: Subroutine 1, Find Four Corners. C: Subroutine 2, Z Capture Loops. D: Slider control interface: Settings for excitation wavelengths, exposure times and field of view of the objective (XY-dimensions). E: Pop-up message, to guide the user through the settings of parameters. F: Pop-up Welcome message. G: Head interface of QuantCapture4, shows program status and control panel for start (Run), pause and ending the capture (Stop).

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