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Table 1 Literature comparison with previous review studies

From: Improving diagnosis and prognosis of lung cancer using vision transformers: a scoping review



Scope and coverage

Differences with our review

Transformers in Medical Image Analysis [18]



It focuses on the use of transformers for various medical imaging applications.

It is not specific to lung cancer imaging.

It does not cover many recent studies on vision transformers in lung cancer imaging.

Our review focuses specifically on the use of vision transformers for lung cancer imaging.

Our review covers many recent studies published in later 2022.

Artificial intelligence in lung cancer: current applications and perspectives [19]

November 2022

It focuses on the current state of AI in lung cancer.

It covers traditional machine learning and deep learning methods for lung nodule detection and segmentation.

It does not cover vision transformer-based approaches.

Our review focuses specifically on the use of vision transformers for lung cancer imaging.

Artificial intelligence techniques for cancer detection in medical image processing: A review [20]

May 2021

It focuses on a broad range of AI methods.

It covers many different types of cancer imaging applications.

It is not specific to vision transformers.

It is not specific to lung cancer.

It does not cover many recent studies.

Our review focuses specifically on the use of vision transformers for medical imaging in lung cancer.

Our review is specific to vision transformers

Our review is specific to lung cancer.

Our review covers recent studies.

Artificial Intelligence in Lung Cancer Pathology Image Analysis [21]

November 2019

It focuses on AI methods for pathology image analysis of lung cancer.

It does not cover vision transformers.

It does not cover recent studies.

Our review covers the use of transformers for medical imaging in lung cancer.

Our review covers different imaging modalities, including pathology and CT scans.

Our review is specific to vision transformers.

Our review covers recent studies.

Recent advances of Transformers in medical image analysis: A comprehensive review [22]

March 2023

It focuses on transformers for various medical imaging applications.

It is not specific to lung cancer imaging and covers many studies on COVID-19.

It does not cover many recent studies on vision transformers in lung cancer imaging.

Our review focuses specifically on the use of vision transformers for lung cancer imaging.

Our review covers many recent studies published in later 2022.

Machine Learning for Lung Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis


October 2022

It covers different machine learning and deep learning techniques.

It does not cover any study on vision transformer applications.

It is not specific to imaging modality and covers studies on different data modalities for lung cancer.

Our review focuses on vision transformer applications in lung cancer imaging.

Our review focuses on imaging data for lung cancer.