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Table 1 Patient and FLLs characteristics

From: Identification of the origin of tumor in vein: comparison between CEUS LI-RADS v2017 and v2016 for patients at high risk



Patients (n = 273)


 No. of men

249 (91.2)

 Median age (y)*

50 (22–68)

HCC risk factors


 Chronic HBV + Cirrhosis

81 (29.7)

 Chronic HCV + Cirrhosis

2 (0.7)

 Chronic HBV + Chronic HCV + Cirrhosis

2 (0.7)

 Only Chronic HBV

168 (61.5)


20 (7.3)




266 (97.4)


3 (1.1)


1 (0.4)


1 (0.4)

 Primary neuroendocrine tumor

1 (0.4)

 Other malignant tumor

1 (0.4)

HCC diagnostic method (n = 266)


 Pathological confirmed

146 (54.9)

 Composite imaging

120 (45.1)

  1. Except where indicated, data are numbers of nodules and numbers in parentheses are percentages
  2. CHC Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma; FLLs Focal liver lesions; HBV Hepatitis B virus; HCC Hepatocellular Carcinoma; HCV Hepatitis C virus; ICC Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
  3. *Numbers in parentheses are the range of age