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Table 2 Intra-rater reproducibility and inter-rater reliability of the three raters

From: A quantitative MRI index for assessing the severity of hippocampal sclerosis in temporal lobe epilepsy


ICC single measures (95% CI)

ICC average measures (95% CI)

Intra-rater reproducibility

ā€ƒRater W.D.

0.874 (0.825ā€“0.912)

0.954 (0.934ā€“0.969)

ā€ƒRater Q.L.

0.878 (0.831ā€“0.915)

0.956 (0.937ā€“0.930)

ā€ƒRater C.S.

0.744 (0.657ā€“0.816)

0.897 (0.852ā€“0.930)

Inter-rater reliability

0.806 (0.736ā€“0.863)

0.926 (0.893ā€“0.950)

  1. The displayed ICC coefficients were all significant at the level of pā€‰<ā€‰0.001. ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient, CI Confidence interval