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Fig. 4 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 4

From: An automated algorithm for the detection of cortical interruptions and its underlying loss of trabecular bone; a reproducibility study

Fig. 4

Visual outputs of the algorithm in 3D and 2D of an MCP joint. The outputs of OP1 (a.) and OP2 (b.) at the first and second scan performed are shown. Shown are the 3D outputs with multiple detected cortical interruptions (green) and underlying trabecular bone voids (red) with corresponding 2D grayscale images. The algorithm indeed accurately fills the underlying trabecular bone voids, and it can be seen that most interruptions are detected at the same location on the first and second scan, and by both OP1 and OP2 (green arrows). However, some discrepancies were also seen (red arrows)

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