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Table 1 Simulation—intensity ratio: mean values and (standard deviation)

From: Masked smoothing using separable kernels for CT perfusion images

Method\Intensity ratio

1.5 to 1

2 to 1

4 to 1

Noise – No smoothing

49.7 (25.1)

50.3 (25.0)

49.0 (25.7)

Simple smoothing

58.2 (1.6)

66.3 (1.6)

99.3 (1.7)

Removed smoothing

33.6 (1.3)

33.5 (1.3)

33.5 (1.4)

Masked smoothing

50.0 (1.9)

50.0 (1.9)

50.0 (2.1)

  1. As the ratio of the intensity of the arterial voxels compared to tissue voxels increased, the values from Masked Smoothing and Removed Smoothing held constant. However, the removed smoothing values were significantly reduced compared to their true underlying value of 50. Masked Smoothing values were equal to their true underlying value in all cases. Tissue voxels for the Simple Smoothing method increased with the increase in the arterial ratio.