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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 3

From: Comparison of test–retest reliability of BOLD and pCASL fMRI in a two-center study

Fig. 3

Dual regression default mode network functional connectivity for pCASL scans at both scanning locations. Functional connectivity maps with the ICA defined PCC as the seed region are shown for each subject at each location for pCASL (a) resting state scans. Inter- and intra-subject variability expressed as mean standard deviations, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Dice Similarity Coefficients (DSC) for pCASL (b) resting state scans are shown for the DMN subregions MPFC, PCC, LLP, and RLP as the seed regions and the PCC, LLP, RLP, ACC, and left and right insula as the ROIs. Overall the intraclass correlations increased as a result of the ICA ROI selection, with specific improvements in the DMN pathways

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