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Fig. 2 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 2

From: Spatial frequency analysis detects altered tissue organization following hamstring strain injury at time of injury but not return to sport

Fig. 2

Representative B-mode images from one athlete with regions of interest (ROI) drawn. A Injured biceps femoris long head (BFlh) at time of injury. An ROI was drawn about the region with visually disrupted echotexture or increased echointensity (injured). A second ROI was drawn to capture tissue adjacent to the injured ROI without overlap of the two ROIs (healthy). B Contralateral BFlh at time of injury. The ROIs were drawn to mirror those from the injured BFlh. C Injured BFlh at return to sport (RTS). The ROI was drawn to match those from images obtained at time of injury or to correspond with edema noted on MRI at time of injury if no B-mode images were collected within 7 days of injury

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