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Fig. 7 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 7

From: Estimation of myocardial deformation using correlation image velocimetry

Fig. 7

Tracking landmark positions (shown as white dots in the first column of images) at each heart level (a) Apex b) Mid c) Base over a full cardiac cycle. The red and green lines represent ground truth and calculated positions, respectively. The x and y coordinates of the landmark position, indicated using the subscript p, are plotted in the second and third columns, respectively. Comparing ground truth (red) and calculated (green) landmark instantaneous displacements at each heart level over a full cardiac cycle. Ground truth includes data from two separate observers to show inter-observer variability. Both x (fourth column) and y (fifth column) components are plotted, with the error bars being based on inter-observer variability. The time t=0 corresponds to end diastole in all the plots

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