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Fig. 6 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 6

From: A statistical shape modelling framework to extract 3D shape biomarkers from medical imaging data: assessing arch morphology of repaired coarctation of the aorta

Fig. 6

Analysing the output using dimensionality reduction techniques and correlation analyses. PLS regression is used to extract shape patterns most related to a selected response variable as shape modes. Subject-specific deformation vectors, derived from the template computation, constitute the input. Resulting shape modes can be visualised as 3D shape deformations (a). By projecting shape modes onto each subject shape, subject-specific shape vectors XS can be derived that constitute a numerical representation of the 3D shape features captured by the shape mode (b). XS is correlated with the selected response parameter as measured on the subjects in order to determine how strongly shape and response are associated (c). Analysis techniques are marked with dashed lines

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