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Figure 2 | BMC Medical Imaging

Figure 2

From: Multimodal surface-based morphometry reveals diffuse cortical atrophy in traumatic brain injury.

Figure 2

SBM image processing steps: Surface reconstruction and alignment to standard template. A. High-resolution T1-weighted images were processed using FreeSurfer 3.0 to map the cortical surface. The image is a lateral view of the TBI patient's left hemisphere. B. Computerized reconstruction of the gray/white matter boundary. A smoothed and expanded view of the white matter surface is shown. The image has been intensity normalized, skull-stripped and the cerebellum has been removed. C. Inflation of the cortical surface to map gyral and sulcal anatomy. Gyral regions are shown in green and sulcal regions in red. D. Coregistration of the subject's cortical surface to a common spherical template. This step allows the assessment of cortical tissue properties with respect to a normative database using a common coordinate system.

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