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Table 2 The pulmonary arterial pressures and measurements of the pulmonary arteries on CTPA images of the patients in two groups

From: Diagnostic value of 3D volume measurement of central pulmonary artery based on CTPA images in the pulmonary hypertension


non-PH (n = 18)

PH (n = 41)





SPAP (mmHg)

26.00 (24~29)

72.22 ± 19.73


< 0.001

mPAP (mmHg)

18 (16~19)

26 (20~35)


< 0.001

DPAP (mmHg)

10 (8.5~11)

27.85 ± 10.77


< 0.001



DMPA (mm)

25.93 ± 4.68

36.01 ± 6.36


< 0.001

AMPA (mm2)

601.57 ± 184.37

1046.88 ± 278.94


< 0.001

AMPA (mm3)

25751.64 ± 7154.24

55557.10 ± 18449.48


< 0.001

DRPA (mm)

19.37 ± 3.32

24.37 ± 4.15


< 0.001

ARPA (mm2)

348.58 ± 114.38

536.47 ± 176.59


< 0.001

VRPA (mm3)


48454.73 ± 19118.22


< 0.001

DLPA (mm)

17.51 ± 3.47

21.68 ± 4.36



ALPA (mm2)

314.36 ± 75.18

459.79 ± 182.64

-4.075 †

< 0.001

VLPA (mm3)

23118.99 ± 13552.82

37963.42 ± 16972.93



  1. Note: †, t-test; ‡, Z test;
  2. Abbreviations: PH, pulmonary hypertension; RHC, right heart catheterization; SPAP, systolic pulmonary artery pressure; mPAP, mean pulmonary arterial pressure; DPAP, diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure; CTPA, computed tomography pulmonary angiography; DMPA, diameter of main pulmonary artery; AMPA, cross-sectional area of main pulmonary artery; VMPA, volume of main pulmonary artery; DRPA, diameter of right pulmonary artery; ARPA, cross-sectional area of right pulmonary artery; VRPA, volume of right pulmonary artery; DLPA, diameter of left pulmonary artery; ALPA, cross-sectional area of left pulmonary artery; VLPA, volume of left pulmonary artery