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Fig. 4 | BMC Medical Imaging

Fig. 4

From: Developing a nomogram based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for forecasting high-grade prostate cancer to reduce unnecessary biopsies within the prostate-specific antigen gray zone

Fig. 4

A patient with PSA of 8.6 ng/ml, TRUS-guided biopsy revealed a Gleason 4 + 5 = 9 tumour; (a) Labeled segmentation result of entire prostate is seen on T2-weighted axial image by using ITK-SNAP software (Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory). Based on the segmentation results, the total gland is measured 34 cm3 in volume. b DWI with b = 1000 and (c) ADC map show a focal area of diffusion restriction, measuring 1.1 cm in the longest diameter, in the right peripheral zone (white arrow). The PI-RADS version 2 score of the DWI-ADC was 4 according to both readers, which is suggestive of a high probability of high-grade cancer cancer. d Nomogram for this patient. The corresponding points of the parameters (age, 70 years = 41 points [green line]; PI-RADS v2 score, 4 = 32 points [yellow line]; adjusted PASD 0.25 = 50 points [blue line]) yields a total of 123 points. According to nomogram, his probability of having high-grade cancer is 0.53 [red line]. Because probability of greater than 0.36 was defined as being compatible with high-grade cancer, nomogram allowed correct prediction of high-grade cancer

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